Man Scholar Views

Nikki A Brown, EzineArticles Basic Author

Saturday, January 19, 2013

"How about picking up a good "Pornflix" tonight babe"?

"How about picking up a good "Pornflix" tonight babe"?

     Porn is a deliberate personality in and of itself. Once it's audience is seated, it becomes a strong and powerful speaker. A person has no idea what Porn is going to do or say, until engaged and captivated by its compelling speech. Porn can be a great tool for assisting in learning what we need to know to keep our partners sensually and sexually gratified. If your mate is or has become boring and traditional, Porn may actually prevent the chance of cheating. It all narrows down to one simple thing...PERSPECTIVE.

     Most women feel threatened and are insecure from the very existence of porn. However, Porn can be extremely exciting and rewarding in a healthy, committed, loving, and hot relationship. It can offer the opportunity to spend intimate and quality time together. It is a time to explore each others fantasy's and make choices together on what's hot and what's not. It is not an invasion of your sexual relationship with your mate. It is not another woman/man taking away your mates time or attention. A confident person, who is healthy mentally, physically and emotionally, should be able to select a good movie with their mate explore and enjoy!

     Cheating is a choice. Porn is not responsible for a person going outside of a relationship, we are the responsible party. A failing relationship generally has ample time to be salvaged if a person is paying attention. Often times good, loyal, committed men are rejected and told NO when they want sex from their mates. These starved men are going out into the world the next morning to work, grocery stores, malls, will see other Man Scholar women, and "NO" may not be in their vocabulary! Thats when you need the fear of God... not porn.

    A spouse caught whacking off alone in a room, handled in such an inviting way, can actually bring you closer. It does not necessarily mean its a deal breaker. Get out your kit gloves and start dealing. Start asking yourself questions! Am I starving my mate? Have I been making myself intimately available in this relationship? Am I taking my happily ever after for granted...AGAIN?

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