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Nikki A Brown, EzineArticles Basic Author

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Way To Get Over Your Breakup...Instantly

The Way To Get Over Your Breakup...Instantly

     Our minds have been so tragically conditioned to believe the worst in most of life's scenarios. A person's perception and perspective are the two most powerful weapons against the evil influences of the world. And yet, we so easily yield these two defenses over to negativity in a nanosecond. Being able to put the undesirable occurrences that take place in our daily lives into perspective is key in having a happy, charismatic, and healthy attitude in life. 

     At the COMPLETION of a relationship, proper perspective will allow you to realize that you did not "breakup" are not "broken". You both are still whole. You have COMPLETED that relationship. You have successfully COMPLETED that portion of your life, with one of a billion people on this planet. People come into our  lives for REASONS, SEASONS, and for us to LEARN a particular LESSON. Forcing yourself to prolong this departure only means one thing, you will be preventing yourself from further growth. And the other person from their growth process as well. At this time you must ask yourself, could the desire to prolong the relationship truly be acting out of love for this person, or could it be disguised as selfishness, low self-esteem issues, or dependency?

     Realize that you are not who you think you are. We are all physical beings having a human
experience. Our entire day is but a perception. A movie. You awake each morning the director of your own motion film. You are responsible for who will be in your movie. Who will have the starring role, and who will not. How wonderfully powerful is that!

     The truth can have anything in life that you choose to have. We get what we focus on. Focus on that which you desire to have in your life, and you shall summon that into your life. The perfect attitude, the perfect life, the perfect mate. There is a wonderful exercise that comes to mind. After you read this sentence I would like you to look around the room from left to right and remember everything that you see that is the color brown. Now, close your eyes and I want you to recall everything that you saw that was green. Yes I said green. Chances are, that you could recall very little or nothing at all that was green because your focus was on the color brown. We get what we focus on.

     If you close your eyes and listen to the sound of someone's voice as they are speaking to you, can you actually see them? No. You can not. You are merely using imagination and perception to see them. With this in mind you must ask anyone other than your actually "being" ever truly "with you." When people "leave" us, be it by death, divorce, completing of a relationship, or even a vacation, if the "feelings" of loneliness do set in, all you need but do is close your eyes and draw on your imagination and perception...and there they are. How powerful the mind is! How powerful you are!

     We all need to begin to start seeing ourselves as less human beings in the physical world of selfishness and greed, and start to view ourselves as non-physical beings here to experience nothing less than pure joy and happiness at all times. Infinite joy. Joy that no other person can hand, promise, or buy for us. It is something that already exists inside of us 24 hours a day 7 days a week, just waiting for us to decide to choose it. Choose to look at a negative as a positive. Replace greed with gratitude. And look to our own selves for that bandaid of love when life decides to cut at us.

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